ରେଳବିଭାଗର ବିଚିତ୍ର ନୀତି, ୭ ଦିନର ନୋଟିସରେ ଉଛେଦ ହେବ ଗଙ୍ଗାଧରପଲ୍ଲୀ
The State Committee consists of all State Committee Members, Elected/Nominated State Governing Council Member and District Presidents of all districts of that particular state. The State Committee Members, State Governing Council Members and the District Presidents shall elect the office bearers team consisting of One National Governing Council Member, One President, Two Vice-Presidents, Three Secretaries and Five Joint Secretaries from among the State Committee Members and state Governing Council Members. Maximum Seven District Executive Committee Members can be nominated by the State President. The District Presidents can vote in the election of Office Bearers of State Committee but they cannot Contest for any offices. All the District Presidents shall act as the default Special Invitees Member of the State Committee.
For the time being Sri Manoj Satapathy, the Founder of the Reporters Club of India shall be the National Chairman. The National Chairman shall nominate Two Vice-Chairmans, Three General Secretaries, Five Secretaries and Ten Joint Secretaries from among the National Governing Council Members of different States. All the State Presidents shall act as the default Special Invitees Member of the National Committee.
RULES & REGULATION: The tenure of all Committees shall be two years from the date of election. The State President or his authorized representative of the respective state shall swear the newly elected office bearers of the District Committee. And the National President or his authorized representative shall swear the newly elected office bearers of the State Committee.
The District Committee shall meet at least six times in a year and the State Committee shall meet at least four times in a year. The National Committee shall meet at least twice in a year. The year is treated as 1st January to 31st December.